801 Chophouse at the Paxton

Address: 801 Cherry Creek Dr S, Denver, CO 80209

Phone: (303) 214-6474

Operating Hours: Monday-Saturday: 5:00pm-10:00pm, Sunday: 5:00pm-9:00pm

Reviews: 4.6/5 on Google, 4.5/5 on Yelp

Average Cost: $50-$100 per person

Website: https://www.801chophouse.com/denver/ 

Reviews for 801 Chophouse are consistently positive across various platforms:

  • TripAdvisor: With an average rating of 4.5 stars, diners praise 801 Chophouse for its elegant ambiance and top-quality steaks.
  • Yelp: Yelp reviewers frequently rate 801 Chophouse highly, highlighting its attentive service and extensive wine selection.
  • Google Maps: Google reviews echo sentiments of satisfaction, with patrons commending 801 Chophouse for its impeccable food and upscale atmosphere.

Must-Try Meals:

  • “Prime Ribeye”: A signature dish at 801 Chophouse, the prime ribeye is known for its exceptional marbling and flavor.
  • “Filet Mignon”: For those who prefer a leaner cut, the filet mignon is tender and succulent, perfect for steak enthusiasts.
  • “Seafood Tower”: Indulge in a selection of fresh seafood including oysters, shrimp, and crab legs, expertly prepared and presented.

Average Cost:
The average cost per person at 801 Chophouse typically ranges from $50 to $100, reflecting the high-quality ingredients and dining experience offered.

For more information and to view their menu, visit 801 Chophouse’s official website.

Here’s a glimpse of 801 Chophouse’s menu:

Menu Item Price
Prime Ribeye $60
Filet Mignon $55
New York Strip $65
Seafood Tower $120
Lobster Mac and Cheese $45
Truffle Mashed Potatoes $15
Crème Brûlée $12

Food Quality:
801 Chophouse is committed to using the highest quality ingredients and serving perfectly cooked steaks and seafood dishes. Each meal is expertly prepared by skilled chefs to ensure a memorable dining experience.

The service at 801 Chophouse is attentive and professional, with staff members who are knowledgeable about the menu and wine pairings. From recommendations to accommodating dietary preferences, the staff strives to exceed guests’ expectations.

With its sophisticated decor, dim lighting, and elegant furnishings, 801 Chophouse exudes an atmosphere of refined luxury perfect for special occasions or romantic dinners. The upscale ambiance creates a memorable dining experience for patrons.

While 801 Chophouse may be on the higher end in terms of pricing, patrons often remark that the exceptional quality of the food, attentive service, and elegant ambiance justify the cost. Whether it’s a celebration or a desire for a gourmet meal, 801 Chophouse delivers on both taste and value, making it a preferred dining destination for discerning diners.


Address: 801 Cherry Creek Dr S, Denver, CO 80209 Phone: (303) 214-6474 Operating Hours: Monday-Saturday: 5:00pm-10:00pm, Sunday: 5:00pm-9:00pm Reviews: 4.6/5 on Google, 4.5/5 on Yelp Average Cost: $50-$100 per person Website: https://www.801chophouse.com/denver/  Reviews: Reviews for 801 Chophouse are consistently positive across various platforms: TripAdvisor: With an average rating of 4.5 stars, diners praise 801 Chophouse for its elegant ambiance and top-quality […]